Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What are you doing?

Some people think we are crazy for selling basically everything we own, loading up a vehicle with few possessions and a dog, and embracing the life of a gypsy; however, this has been in the works for quite some time and now it is officially a reality. As long as I have known Nate, it has been a dream of his to pursue a travel nursing career. After several years of gained experience, many long talks, and a plan we decided to do it.

Many people continue to ask me why I would quit my job to move around the country for an unplanned amount of time. Many people have asked me to keep in touch and write some sort of blog to keep you informed. Well, here it is. I'm not too familiar with blogging and I will try to do my best to keep up, after all we all know I have the time. 

Personally, I have always been intrigued with the natural wonders of the world and still am! I hope to see as many as I can and continue to learn about what makes our world tick. In college, the travel bug bit me and I had an opportunity to take advantage of many field trips: Black Hills, Badlands, Florida Keys, Bermuda, Texas, Utah, Nevada, Big Bend NP, Great Basin NP, Capitol Reef NP, etc. I am also fortunate enough to have two parents who appreciate "outside". My sister and I were raised hiking, camping, canoeing, biking, and taking several family trips to Florida, Yellowstone NP, Glacier NP, Tetons NP, and many state parks in Wisconsin. As far back as I can remember, I know that I slowed them down because I wanted to "look at stuff". I recall asking questions about flowers and trees, birds and insects, basically anything that I found. In middle school, I began wandering into the nonfiction section of the library to check out books on things that I might have seen before. Soon after, my Christmas lists asked for field guides of Wisconsin! 

It wasn't until my senior year in high school that I finally had a sounding board for my growing passions. My environmental science teacher help shaped my naturalist tendencies and guided me to pursue an Earth Science Education and Environmental Studies Majors. After 4.5 years of studying, learning, memorizing, discussing, and exploring I graduated a capable teacher of science for grades 6-12. 
I enjoyed teaching very much. I have had some fantastic students who have surprised me beyond belief. Some still keep in touch, which I honestly cherish. I have always tried very hard to make science, whether that be biology, earth, environmental, chemistry, etc., about the students. I have brought in real life and reached far beyond textbooks. I will miss not teaching while traveling, however I will eventually get back to it in some capacity and I will happily teach anyone in earshot what I know about whatever I am doing or looking at.   

Lastly, life is too short to sit around planning and waiting. Life presents it's challenges and adversities whether you are prepared for them or not. You can choose to fall apart or face it head on and keep charging ahead to finish what you started. 


  1. Tears Tears Tears.....the kids sure liked talking to you on the phone and Kyli showing you her loose tooth. Carson is going to be Spider-Man for Halloween in case you didn't hear him yell it 20 times to you. Lindsey and I had a good laugh.

  2. What a great idea Hols! Great job on blog. Keep the good stuff coming!
