Friday, April 17, 2015

Desert Belle on Saguaro Lake

On Easter morning, I booked a cruise on the Desert Belle. It is a paddle wheel boat that takes you on a 90 minute narrated tour of Saguaro Lake. I briefly mentioned before, Saguaro Lake is the result of one of the dams on the Salt River.

We arrived near the lake, parked, and got a good spot to stand in line and wait to board the boat. The Desert Belle can hold 143 people who have a choice to sit in an air conditioned lower desk near windows or an upper desk seat under a canopy. There were few seats in the sun on the front of the boat, both top and bottom. We were lucky enough to get front, top seats!

The boat takes you on a ride on the large Saguaro Lake, through the canyons, past incredible views. The captain also narrates as he maneuvers the boat. He described the history of the Salt River becoming the lakes. President Teddy Roosevelt was the motivation behind this project. 

We saw magnificent sites of the Superstition Mountains, Four Peaks, and Saguaro Lake. The Superstitions are a rugged range helping Arizona out with the most mountain peaks in a state. The Four Peaks are iconic to the Phoenix area and are visible from the Valley. Our captain pointed out a light gray patch below the third peak with there is still an operating amethyst mine. All the rough rock is carried down 9 miles by man or horse. Closer to us, the lake was vibrant and full of life: waterfowl, turkey vultures, and even a eagle. There were many people recreating as well having a great Easter with family and friends.

The warm rush of wind on my face mixed with the humidity of the water felt like home. We haven't felt humidity since we left Wisconsin and it felt great! The warm sun, a cold beer, and sound of waves crashing against the boat topped off our day. As we neared shore, the captain pointed out some cliffs with people jumping off them. I looked at Nate and immediately knew that would be out next stop.

After we docked, we hiked over to the trail leading to the cliffs. It traversed around giant saguaros, barrel cacti, and ocotillos. The rock was a little rougher, welded tuff. It cuts up your skin a little better than most. We heard the faint laughs and splashes grow nearer and saw the platform for jumping!

Nate jumped off many times at various heights in several styles. I tried my best to capture them all, however I wasn't always ready. I jumped off too! I was a great feeling to be in warm water in a big lake. 

On our way out, we saw a younger couple picking up the trash and litter from other hikers and cliff jumpers. We found some bags and helped pick up anything we could on the trailway out. 

After drying out a bit, we headed up and watched the sunset over the mountains. What a fantastic day!

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